When The Student Is Ready The Teacher Appears
| Duration 00:10:07 | Posted in by Mike Marchev

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In this episode Mike reminds us that you can’t force feed your ideas and suggestions on people who are not already receptive to receiving input. Actively seeking opportunities to effectively communicate is an ongoing objective worth pursuing. Mike reinforces the strategy of “getting people to come to you.”  A key to successfully promoting your business by “testing” your offer prior to implementing a full scale mailing is addressed before today’s episode is completed. And finally, do not forget to celebrate your wins. They are far and few between. Reward yourself for your hard work.

Meet the Podcaster
Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev chose to take a circuitous route through the first 71-years of his life. His experiences, successes, failures and unwavering sense of humor qualify him as a guy worth listening to. Perhaps of more importance, he is a practicing practitioner you can actually learn something from.…

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