You Made My Day!
| Duration 00:08:17 | Posted in by Mike Marchev

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Welcome to another edition of Mike’d Up Marchev. Today I want to share a message I recently shared with a group from Cooperstown, NY, home of he Baseball Hall of Fame.

I want you to begin looking for and seeking out opportunities to perform a kindnes to some unsuspecting person in your immediate environment. The phrase “You made my day” is the most cherished phrase I know of and when somebody tells me that, “they just made my day.”

Take a listen. I am certain today’s message will ring true to you.

Meet the Podcaster
Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev chose to take a circuitous route through the first 71-years of his life. His experiences, successes, failures and unwavering sense of humor qualify him as a guy worth listening to. Perhaps of more importance, he is a practicing practitioner you can actually learn something from.…

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